Monday, August 4, 2008

What is the best over the counter acne treatment and dose masterbating cause acne

It took me over 4 years to discover these natural acne treatments, because at the time it was all about trial and error. At the time of me searching for the cures, no one had actually had proof that they worked. So I took the cures, but my own twist on them, tried them out and carried on using them if they worked. Let me tell you, I tried hundreds of these cures, but I found these 3 to be the most effective natural treatments;
The truth is, the e-book is merely claiming reduced acne in three days. There is no such thing as a permanent short-term acne treatment. "Acne Free in 3 Days" basically tells you to perform a detoxification diet, eating apples and drinking plenty of water for a full three days. This may or may not work, and there is no scientific proof that this method even works. But, many people have noticed reduced acne during the time they performed this acne treatment. However, when they resumed their regular lifestyle and diet, their acne came back, sometimes as an acne breakout. Chris Gibson also tells you to repeat this procedure every so often, because it's obvious this is only a temporary acne treatment.
Utilizing lemon juice as a topical ointment is one of the easiest, and best ways to treat acne naturally. Lemon juice is safe to be applied every day to the entire face, or to localized areas which need the most treatment. To prepare it you need to take a small lemon, remove the rind and cut the flesh into small cubes or slices. Gently massage one of the cubes/slices over the skin and then throw it away. All of the other lemon pieces can be put in the refrigerator and should keep for a few days. It is important to allow the lemon juice to soak into the skin for 10-15 minutes and then to rinse it off with some lukewarm water. Before you apply the juice you should clean your face with lukewarm water as well. If you are applying the lemon juice to single pimples (as opposed to the entire face) then you do not need to wash the juice off.
tags: how to get rid of acne remedies, can cystic acne come up under a mole, acne moisturizer

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