Saturday, September 27, 2008

Areas affected by acne and pimples

« ...Fruits that have lots of acid make great acne-fighting facial masks. Fruits and vegetable are rich in acid that help treat acne problems. Eating fruits and vegetables is a must if you want to be acne free quickly. Crush some garlic and gently daub on acne. A lot of people have said that garlic is one of the best acne home remedies they have ever tried. Garlic is a great natural acne treatment because of its properties and health benefits....
...Most of the 80% of all teenagers that become victims of acne (Acne Vulgaris) obviously do not appreciate the ill effects of this irritating skin condition and one way of expressing their disgust is to term the acne pimples as zits. While referring the situation to friends and reltions, they get so much worked out that more often than not the slang gets more prominence than the usual. As a matter of fact, zits are the most common slang for pimples and it is not very unusual to hear, "the zits took away my beauty". It has become so common that the word zit now is an entry in the common English dictionary where it is described as slang for pimple....»
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«...Acne scars range from minor scaring to serious scars that can result in disfiguring the face. Even the minimal acne scar can devastate one's self confidence and disturb one emotional state. Good thing about acne is that which was earlier not treatable can be easily treated now. There are various types of treatment available for the acne scar removal that is decided as per the individual problem and type of treatment, which one want to undergo. ...»
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tags: does pregnancy affect acne, how to get rid of acne pimples, acne scars and best treatment

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